Sea-level rise: West Antarctic ice shelf melt ‘unavoidable’

28 Aug 2024
“It’s a perfect time to come up with an alternative framework for the Antarctic”
Polar Journal
26 Apr 2024
Antarctica’s Extended Ozone Hole Raises Concerns For Penguin And Seal Breeding
Science Alert
26 Apr 2024
‘Unprecedented’: How bird flu became an animal pandemic
25 Apr 2024
After Witnessing Climate Change Effects in Antarctica, Expert Calls for Stronger Conservation Action
Pew Charitable Trusts
24 Apr 2024
Behind the Ice Curtain: Antarctic Treaty talks conceal looming bird flu catastrophe
The Daily Maverick
22 Apr 2024
‘We were in disbelief’: Antarctica is behaving in a way we’ve never seen before. Can it recover?
Live Science
05 Mar 2024
Italian Ship Makes Farthest Southern Journey
Voice of America
29 Feb 2024
US sanctions target Russian ship surveying for Antarctic oil and gas via Cape Town
Daily Maverick
23 Feb 2024
Video: The latest science on tipping points in Antarctica
15 Feb 2024
Antarctica’s Penguins Could Be Devastated by Avian Influenza
Scientific American
08 Feb 2024
Drones being used to protect Antarctic biodiversity
St George & Sutherland Shire Leader
01 Feb 2024
In Antarctica, scientists study extent of microplastics
Buenos Aires Times
30 Jan 2024
La Antártida, el termómetro mundial sobre la contaminación con microplásticos
Radio France Internationale
30 Jan 2024
First penguins die in Antarctic of deadly H5N1 bird flu strain
The Guardian
22 Jan 2024
Columbian mission to Antarctica analyses climate change footprints
21 Jan 2024
Australia not prepared for how Antarctic ice changes will hit economy, scientist warns
The Guardian
16 Jan 2024
The Doubling Acidity of Antarctic Ecosystems
04 Jan 2024
Una voz para la Antártida
Sustentabilidad en Acciones
01 Jan 2024
Ireland Could Become the Next Nation to Recognize the Rights of Nature and a Human Right to a Clean Environment
Inside Climate News
30 Dec 2023
Red alert in Antarctica: the year rapid, dramatic change hit climate scientists like a ‘punch in the guts’
The Guardian
19 Dec 2023
Declaration Of The Rights Of The Antarctic
Eco Jurisprudence Monitor
12 Dec 2023
Doing science in Antarctica has harmed an environment under great pressure. Here’s how we can do better
The Conversation
07 Dec 2023
Antarctica lawyers up: Hopes for a legal revolution to defend Earth’s vast southern wilderness
Daily Maverick
06 Dec 2023
‘It’s game on’: The world’s largest iceberg is on the move. Scientists explain why it matters
02 Dec 2023
66.9 trillion tons: Antarctica’s melting ice shelves releasing mind-boggling amounts of water
01 Dec 2023
Antarctica talk from visiting Cambridge fellow hears of new alliance to protect continent
Cambridge Independent
01 Dec 2023
Antarctica: a continent in crisis
Australia Geographic
29 Nov 2023
‘Antarctica is crying out for action,’ says UN chief
24 Nov 2023
‘We absolutely need to act immediately,’ says UN chief during visit to Antarctica ahead of COP28
News-Press Now
13 Nov 2023
Recommendations of civil society organisations on the occasion of the One Planet – Polar Summit
One Planet Summit
11 Nov 2023
Paris Call for Glaciers and Poles – Declaration for the One Planet – Polar Summit
11 Nov 2023
In visit to Antarctica, Guterres appeals for action to end ‘climate anarchy’
UN News
11 Nov 2023
What the Melting of Antarctic Ice Shelves Means for the Planet
Inside Climate News
29 Oct 2023
Russian delegation stymies creation of Antarctic conservation area
The Guardian
23 Oct 2023
Sea-level rise: West Antarctic ice shelf melt ‘unavoidable’
05 Oct 2023
Antarctica’s Floral Awakening: How Climate Change is Transforming the Continent’s Ecosystem
26 Sep 2023
De hacer presencia en la Antárctica a tener presente a la Antárctica
El Mostrador
25 Sep 2023
Report says Antarctica witnessed world’s most intense heatwave in 2022
Al Jazeera
31 Aug 2023
The emperors have no ice — mass drowning of Antarctic penguin chicks rattles scientists
Daily Maverick
04 Aug 2023
Antarctica’s heatwaves are a warning to humanity – and we have only a narrow window to save the planet
The Guardian
19 Jul 2023
Scientists: Fishing boats compete with whales and penguins for Antarctic krill
25 Jun 2023
Extinction Rebellion calls for ‘forever ban’ on mining in Antarctica
24 Jun 2023
Russia, China block move for new Antarctic marine reserves
22 Jun 2023
The Maori Vision of Antarctica’s Future
New York Times
21 Jun 2023
HELSINKI EXPLAINED: Antarctica’s mining ban may face meltdown, but let’s pretend everything’s chill
Daily Maverick
14 Jun 2023
Helsinki heatpocrisy: Overlooked Russian oil/gas hunt exposes chinks in Antarctic climate declaration
Daily Maverick
04 Jun 2023
IPCC co-chair lifts the ‘Ice Curtain’ at Antarctic climate meeting in Finland
Daily Maverick
02 Jun 2023
Helsinki or high water? Summit tackles Antarctica’s desperate battle
Daily Maverick
01 Jun 2023
No More Mister Ice Guys: Russia, SA fail to take a climate stand at top Antarctic meeting in Finland
Daily Maverick
22 Apr 2023
We’ve introduced ferals to the bottom of the world. They’re destroying it
Sydney Morning Herald
20 Apr 2023
Accelerating melt of ice sheets now ‘unmistakable’
04 Apr 2023
Antarctic oil and gas hunt: ‘You just get this rage rising in you’
Daily Maverick
02 Apr 2023
‘All’ governments ‘know’ Russia is ‘violating’ iconic Antarctic mining ban
Daily Maverick
29 Mar 2023
Melting Antarctic ice predicted to cause rapid slowdown of deep ocean current by 2050
The Guardian
12 Mar 2023
Is Traveling to Antarctica Environmentally Defensible?
31 Jan 2023
Protesters Say Russian Ship Bound for Antarctica Unwelcome at South African Port
Voice of America
23 Jan 2023
‘Hands OFF Antarctica!’ Activists condemn SA arrival of Russia’s noisy oil and gas ship
Daily Maverick